July 04, 2014 | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Annual General Meeting of Burckhardt Compression: All motions of the Board of Directors approved
At the Annual General Meeting of Burckhardt Compression Holding AG held at the Parkarena in Winterthur, the attending shareholders approved all motions of the Board of Directors. Dr. Stephan Bross was elected as a new member of the Board of Directors. The dividend was set at CHF 10.00 per share (previous year CHF 9.00).
After the welcome address by Chairman Valentin Vogt and a review of the company’s 2013 fiscal year by CEO Marcel Pawlicek and CFO Rolf Brändli, the shareholders approved the annual report, the financial statements, the consolidated financial statements and the compensation report for the fiscal year 2013. They also approved the motion to pay a dividend of CHF 10.00 per share.
The current Board members Valentin Vogt, Hans Hess, Urs Leinhäuser and Monika Krüsi were re-elected by the shareholders for a period of one year. In addition the general meeting confirmed Valentin Vogt as chairman of the Board.
Dr. Stephan Bross was elected for a one year period to the Board of Directors as successor to Urs Fankhauser, who passed away in February.
The shareholders confirmed Hans Hess as a member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee for another period of one year. Newly elected to the Nomination and Compensation Committee was Dr. Stephan Bross.
Furthermore the general meeting approved the total amount of fixed compensation for the Board of Directors and the Executive Board for fiscal year 2014.
In addition the shareholders granted discharge to the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board for their activities in the fiscal year 2013. PricewaterhouseCoopers AG was confirmed as the statutory auditors for fiscal year 2014. Attorney Andreas G. Keller was elected as the independent proxy.