Results 2021


The latest survey results indicate that you have greater awareness and interest in this feedback initiative. We are grateful for this development and thank you for your continued trust. Previously defined actions based on your comments and ratings also led to a positive change in the survey results.   

Please look at the results video, which summarizes various aspects and highlights some statements made in the responses to the survey.   


1. Performance Report

These results in general represent the global perspective and reflect what the Services Division of the entire Burckhardt Compression Group is focusing on and where we see our strengths and areas for improvement. In countries where we received sufficient responses, we can show more transparency and provide local results, which will be more granular, just as our action plans will be adapted to suit local markets.  

Compared to the results of the previous survey performed in 2020, we have enhanced our performance in the categories repairs and handson and remained stable in the categories engineering and convenience. On the other hand, ratings in spare parts, field service and proactiveness declined. 


Key to success

According to the survey our top performing areas are engineering and repair competencies, followed by the problem-solving skills of our Field Service Representatives. We are grateful to see that the actions taken in 2020 in repair services have been positively acknowledged. Furthermore, the survey confirms that we have invested in the right topics – our employees. Happy people, happy customers. Intensive training programs are under way worldwide to widen and share knowledge and to further develop local employee skills so we can address local needs more quickly and effectively.  


Highest satisfaction in
Engineering and repair competencies.
Highest room for improvement
Proactiveness and spare parts delivery time. 


Improvement potential

Based on your feedback the topic proactiveness remains the main area with room for improvement and we will act accordingly. We will continue to intensify our communication by promoting our products and services and give you suggestions on improving your compressor performance. We invite you to visit our customer webinars called TechXchange to learn about successful engineering stories and recent technologies. We are also striving to enhance our remote support with our digital UP! Solutions. Several actions have already been taken to speed up the production process for parts. We will also keep investing in proactive delivery-time communication.  

2. How customers perceive Burckhardt Compression

We are pleased to see that your perception of Burckhardt Compression as a leading service provider improved (+6%). Furthermore, the awareness, that Burckhardt Compression is servicing all brands of reciprocating compressors has increased (+3%). 

3. Customer Satisfaction Level

The survey shows a continuous increase in customer satisfaction. We are pleased to see that 87% of the customers participating in the survey are satisfied with Burckhardt Compression and its services. Increasing customer satisfaction is a continuous process and we will not stop improving our performance to stay or become your first-choice partner.