July 01, 2022 | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Annual General Meeting of Burckhardt Compression Holding AG approves all proposals of the Board of Directors
Today's Annual General Meeting of Burckhardt Compression Holding AG took place without the physical presence of shareholders, in accordance with article 27 of the Swiss Federal Council's ordinance 3 on measures to combat the coronavirus (Covid-19). Shareholders could exercise their voting rights through the independent proxy holder. All proposals of the Board of Directors were passed.
The Annual General Meeting took place at company headquarters in Winterthur, in the presence of the independent proxy holder, a representative of the external statutory auditor, a notary public, the Chairman of the Board of Directors Ton Büchner, the CEO Fabrice Billard and the board secretary. Shareholders passed all proposals of the Board of Directors. Mariateresa Vacalli was elected as a new independent member of the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting approved a dividend of CHF 7.50 per share, an increase of 15.4 % compared to the previous year, and approved the creation of authorized capital in the amount of 10 % of the share capital.
A total of 2’308’562 registered shares were represented at Burckhardt Compression Holding AG’s AGM, which represents 85.69% of total registered share capital entered in the company’s share register with voting rights. The Annual General Meeting was recorded and will be available for viewing online at www.burckhardtcompression.com/agm/webcast from July 2, 2022.
After the AGM, the Board of Directors decided on the following constitution of the Board:
Audit Committee: David Dean (Chair), Urs Leinhäuser, Mariateresa Vacalli
Nomination and Compensation Committee: Monika Krüsi (Chair), Stephan Bross
Strategy and Sustainability Committee: Ton Büchner (Chair), Monika Krüsi