Engineering Design Technician VET

Engineering Design Technician VET


The VET program for Engineering Design Technicians – what’s it all about?

During your apprenticeship to become an engineering design technician at Burckhardt Compression AG, you will design a complex and interesting product. From miniature components to the finished assembly, the compressor will be designed in interdepartmental collaboration using a 3D program. The finished product can then be evaluated at the company’s production site.


What qualifications should I have?bco_26012016_0362_safak

From a technical standpoint, it’s important that you have an excellent concept of three-dimensional shapes and space, can think logically and are interested in technical products and processes. A sound knowledge of mathematics, geometry and physics, and an interest in computer work are also important requirements. You should moreover be a team player for whom diligent, attentive work is second nature.


Where does the training program take place?

The first and second year of the apprenticeship are at the AZW Training Center in Winterthur, the third and fourth year are completed at Burckhardt Compression AG.


Can I request a trial apprenticeship?

It is possible to gain an impression of the trade and training at the AZW Training Center in Winterthur and, from the spring term of your second year of secondary schooling, directly at Burckhardt Compression AG.


Where can I apply for an apprenticeship?

You can send your application directly to the AZW Training Center in Winterthur via email or post:

AZW Ausbildungszentrum Winterthur
Zürcherstrasse 25
P.O. Box 414
CH-8401 Winterthur
[email protected]




“The engineering design technician program opens up excellent career pathways (for example technician HF; engineer FH.

The constant progress of technology makes this an exciting field to work in. I also enjoy working in teams and on inter-company projects.”

Tanja Drescher, practical instructor, engineering design